The Curious Case of Benjamin Button wrapped up its first full screening this weekend in Los Angeles and the first reviews are starting to trickle in.
First up is Variety who gushes praise about every nook and cranny of the film except for it being shot digitally instead of on film. Todd McCarthy sums up his experience with, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” represents a richly satisfying serving of deep-dish Hollywood storytelling. This odd, epic tale of a man who ages backwards is presented in an impeccable classical manner, every detail tended to with fastidious devotion. An example of the most advanced technology placed entirely at the service of story and character, this significant change-of-pace from director David Fincher poses some daunting marketing challenges, even with Brad Pitt atop the cast. Strong critical support will be needed to swell interest in this absorbing, even moving, but emotionally cool film, which is simultaneously accessible and distinctive enough to catch on with a large public if luck and the zeitgeist are with it.”
Elsewhere over at Awards Daily author Sasha Stone puts Benjamin Button in strong company, “So far, for me, this year is about three movies: The Dark Knight, Revolutionary Road and Benjamin Button.”
Sasha goes on to make a pretty strong proclamation with this statement, “…if I had to name the film that would probably have the best shot at winning Best Picture, Director, Adapted Screenplay, Cinematography, Costumes, Art Direction it would be this one.” That is a pretty strong claim, one that has me more curious about Benjamin Button than ever.
Best yet is a new international trailer courtesy of Italian website Bad Taste brimming with evidence as to why Benjamin Button will likely be nominated for Best Cinematography and Art Design.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button will cure the curiosity of moviegoers beginning on December 25, Christmas Day.