Rumor: Top Gun 2 Recruiting Tom Cruise

I’m going against my better judgment reporting this “scoop.” I really am. But it does make for good conversation so here she goes.

According to the UK publication The Sun, studio executives are currently wooing Tom Cruise into returning as Maverick, the flight instructor in Top Gun 2. Somehow a script outline is already complete and being shopped to Cruise who would be responsible for training a younger female version of himself from the first film. To quote the “insider”:

“The idea is Maverick is at the Top Gun school as an instructor — and this time it is he who has to deal with a cocky new female pilot.”

Ironically, or not, this news comes just one week before Top Gun is set to blast off on Blu-ray Disc courtesy of Paramount Home Entertainment. Some free publicity, perhaps? Or the real deal? Or did I just give Paramount a free plug?

File this one under extreme rumor for now and for the sake of old action stars whose comebacks were successful, lets hope that “loving feeling” stays lost.

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