Nintendo updated the official Super Smash Bros. website earlier today and in doing so confirmed that Peach from Super Mario Bros. has enlisted in the competition and will be mixing it up with the big boys.
Along with Peach’s confirmation in Super Smash Bros. comes 10 new screenshots featuring the pink object of Mario’s affections. She will be bringing the power of love to the game with floating hearts, but also dishing out punishment as evidenced by the use of her crown to hit opponents upside the head with.
Of the 10 new screens, eight have been snapped from the Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. while the final two come from the 3DS version. The visual differences between the two are obvious as the 3DS version features heavy cell-shading around the characters that is non-existent in the Wii U version.
Super Smash Bros. will help move some additional Wii U console and 3DS handhelds when it rings the bell and arrives in stores next year.
Click any of the Super Smash Bros. screens below to view the high resolution version.