Watch ‘Who is America’ Online Free: Episode 2 Live Streaming Showtime Series Tonight

The enigma series that is Who is America? starring Sasha Baron Cohen returns tonight on Showtime with Episode 2. You can watch Who is America Episode 2 online streaming free with or without cable on Showtime at its usual 10 pm EST start time.

Our recommended way to watch Who is America? live online without a cable subscription is via a 7-day free trial of Showtime. Members can jump straight into a 7-day free Showtime trial to start streaming immediately. No cable is required to take advantage of this free Showtime offer. The regular price of $8.99 per month will kick in once the trial is complete, or you can cancel anytime during the trial.

Another way to watch Who is America live online without cable is via Hulu Live TV. Their service includes Showtime as an add-on (in most markets) so you can stream Who is America tonight as well as countless hours of future live television. Sign up for Hulu Live TV to enjoy one of the most popular online streaming services available today.

Disguises are the crux of Sasha Baron Cohen’s comedy shtick and he had some great ones on display for last week’s Who is America series premiere. One in particular, not ironically the episode’s final one, generated a substantial amount of after show buzz.

Cohen disguised himself as an Israeli gun-lover named Colonel Erran Morad. The Colonel is so against terrorism that he’s developed an “arm toddlers” campaign pitched by Cohen in character.

The Morad character was able to convince multiple right-wingers, including gun rights activist Philip Van Cleave, to buy into the arming toddler mock agenda.

Where will tonight’s new episode go? Much like the series premiere Showtime is keeping hush-hush with minimal publicity. They’re counting on word-of-mouth and especially social media to carry the chatter and build anticipation. The preview directly above tells us very little.

Look for Episode 3 of Who is America? to premiere next Sunday at 10/9c exclusively on Showtime.

Watch Who is America Episode 2 Live

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