Showrunner Scott Gimple and his creative team behind AMC’s The Walking Dead held nothing back for the explosive and wholly satisfying Season 5 premiere a week ago. The action continues this Sunday night with Episode 2, ‘Strangers,’ which will premiere on AMC at a start time of 9/8c and also be available to watch online free streaming or on video-on-demand.
To recap TWD Season 5 premiere with many spoilers for those whom haven’t seen it yet, it began and ended with a flashback that revealed Gareth and his mother were once imprisoned in a rail car just like Rick and his group are. While Rick plans for an escape by jumping the next group of Gareth’s people that try to open the door, he gets surprised from above and finds himself facing death at the hands of a baseball bat and butcher’s knife tool
The theme for the premiere was simply “you are the butcher or you are the cattle.” Gareth and his people, who once ran Terminus as a real sanctuary, chose the former. What they didn’t see coming was Carol, disguised as a walker, leading a walker-fueled assault on the compound literally seconds before Glenn was about to get his throat cut.
Elsewhere in a Terminus lookout post, a poor sap dared threaten Judith and force Tyreese out into a crowd of walkers. That moment triggered the inner animal within Tyreese that he had been bottling up for quite some time. After fending off the walkers with his bare hands, Tyreese broke through the door and beat the beat the poor guy to death.
As Rick and his group left Terminus in the walker assault without any casualties, Rick put a bullet into Gareth’s shoulder. We certainly haven’t seen the last of him or his surviving cannibalistic friends.
Tonight’s episode of The Walking Dead, ‘Strangers,’ will introduce Father Gabriel, a character from the comics. The official synopsis is short and sweet, “Rick leads a risky mission when supplies are low.”
As with the season premiere, AMC will offer The Walking Dead online free streaming via their official website for a limited time after the conclusion of tonight’s episode. The Season premiere has three more weeks of being up, though subsequent episodes will be available for a much shorter window of time. Alternately, is offering episodes of The Walking Dead that can be streamed online in SD or HD after their premiere on TV here for a minimal cost. Every episode back to the series premiere is available.