A women finds herself living with her new husband and ex in Lifetime’s Trapped With My Husband. When the film premieres on Friday, June 24th at 8/7c on the Lifetime Movie Network (LMN), she finds herself a murder suspect once her ex turns up dead.
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Watch Trapped With My Husband with Philo
The Philo streaming service includes Lifetime Movie Network and over 60 other channels in its impressive lineup so you can watch Trapped With My Husband with ease. There’s a 7-day free trial period for Philo that will let you freely explore live and on-demand programming available on this fantastic streaming service.
Did you miss watching Trapped With My Husband live? Don’t worry if you did as Philo keeps Lifetime Movie Network programming ready and available to watch whenever you’re ready to watch. Jump in with your Philo free trial, search for Trapped With My Husband by name in the Philo app, and start streaming the 2022 movie immediately.
Lifetime’s Trapped With My Husband official synopsis reads as follows.
“Melissa learns that her new husband, Kevin, is a philanderer with no ambition. The two become roommates from hell while Kevin remains in the house until the divorce is finalized, but when he turns up dead, all eyes are on Melissa.”
The cast of LMN’s Trapped With My Husband features Camille Stopps, Jacob Richter, George Krissa, Paige Evans, and Dawn Lambing.