Watch The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 12

A potential new long term home was reached on AMC’s The Walking Dead last week as Aaron turned out to be a friend and not foe, at least for the time being. Safety on TWD is the exception and not the rule so don’t expect the new haven to be nirvana starting with tonight’s new episode, ‘Remember.’ You can watch The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 12 online streaming after it air, but recall the official online stream isn’t live or free, though it will get you access to Episode 12 shortly after it airs live on TV as the show starts a new chapter.

The theme for last week’s episode of The Walking Dead was Rick’s mistrust of Aaron that began with a brutal right cross and tying him up. Aaron spelled out exactly why he was there, how long he had been spying on them, and how many other people were in his group: one. Rick wasn’t buying any of it even if Michonne was more trusting.

Glenn and a small group investigated Aaron’s claim that two vehicles were stopped on the road due to storm damage. They were, and suddenly the group had means to drive all the way to Aaron’s settlement that was fortified with steel walls per photos Aaron brought.

Rather than trust Aaron’s directions to go up one road, Rick deliberately took the group up another and ended up in the equivalent of a zombie car wash. After an ensuing brutal battle and Glenn’s near death, it became obvious that Aaron was a friend so the group reunited and continued north toward their meeting point.

It was there that Rick saw Aaron being very caring toward his injured boyfriend, Eric, and so Rick decided to continue into Alexandria and give his people a new hope to live a better life.

The official AMC synopsis for The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 512 reads, “After Rick and his group arrive at Alexandria, they must adapt to a strange new lifestyle while Rick remains mistrustful.”

Tonight’s new episode of The Walking Dead has a typical start time of 9/8c on AMC TV in high definition. AMC continues to offer free online streaming versions of each The Walking Dead episode early the following morning after they premiere on TV at the official AMC website for a very limited time. This offer is the next best thing to watching The Walking Dead online free live streaming.

Another option to watch AMC’s The Walking Dead episodes in standard or high definition versions is available at here a few hours after their premiere on AMC. The cost is $3 for HD and $2 for standard definition episodes and every episode released is there.

Watch The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 12 online

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