Watch Gotham Season 2 Episode 12 Online Live Stream ‘Mr Freeze’ Free on Fox Now

Yes fans of Robin Lord Taylor and all that is Gotham. The Fox Batman prequel series midseason premiere has finally arrived tonight after what has seemed like an eternity’s wait. As the new episode title’s name ‘Mr. Freeze’ infers, things are going to get chilly for Jim Gordon and the GCPD in a hurry. Find out where to watch Gotham Season 2 Episode 12 online live streaming tonight as some big names make their small screen debut.

When we last visited Gotham, Firefly’s reign of terror came to a temporary end as she was badly burned and carted off to Indian Hill for incarceration and further study. Where heat subsided cold rose as Mr. Freeze stepped out onto the streets for the first time and froze his first victim.

The quick tease of Mr. Freeze will evolve into a full introduction in tonight’s Gotham midseason premiere on Fox. This version of Mr. Freeze will be far darker than we’ve seen on television or the big screen in the past. He means business and will ice over anyone who gets in his way.

Gotham will also pry open the mystery behind Indian Hill a little more and introduce the iconic Batman villain Dr. Huge Strange (B.D. Wong), another character you don’t want to mess with and is guaranteed to make the lives of Gordon, Bullock and the rest of the GCPD a living nightmare.

The official synopsis for tonight’s new episode of Gotham reads, “Penguin gives Gordon a hard time; a skilled cryogenics engineer named Victor Fries is involved in a body-snatching spree.”

You can watch Gotham live streaming tonight on Fox Now here at a start time of 8/7c. Season 2 episodes will also be available to watch on Hulu starting tomorrow or the day after they premiere on Fox.

Watch Gotham Season 2 Episode 12 online

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