Tonight’s the night for all you Trubies as HBO will hammer the final nail into True Blood by premiering the series finale. I don’t have any real True Blood series finale spoilers to share right now, but HBO has released the first and only True Blood series finale clip that potentially suggests a major spoiler to come.
The clip is framed innocently enough as Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin) confesses to Reverend Daniels (Gregg Daniel) that she’s a faerie and not merely a telepath. The good Reverend is moderately surprised by this revelation despite having witnessed a ghostly Tara vanish into the ether a couple episodes prior while under the influence of V for the first and probably last time in his life.
Sookie goes on to question her own existence, wondering if God made mistakes and she was somehow one of them. It’s clear Sookie’s mind is not in a good place at this time and that could be because of what happened just prior to this clip.
Sookie is speaking to the Reverend in his church and both parties are wearing what would be considered formal attire. There’s a high possibility that Bill has passed away from his Hep-V, as was his wish upon turning down a bite into Sarah Newlin for the insta-cure, and this scene takes place immediately after Bill’s memorial service. Or, someone else bit the dust and Sookie feels she’s to blame, as she usually does.
Given Bill’s revelation in the previous episode, it’s a good bet he’s gone and Sookie is pondering her future without him.
The end of True Blood goes down at 9/8c central tonight on HBO and HBO Go.