Previews for the runaway hit Disney Plus original series The Mandalorian offered a brief glimpse at the foot of an AT-ST Raider vehicle. We haven’t seen this menacing attack vehicle appear through the first three episodes, but a new image has surfaced (above) showcasing what’s likely the centerpiece of a big action sequence.
In the Original Star Wars trilogy, the Imperial AT-ST “Chicken Walkers” were first briefly spotted in a single shot during the Battle of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back.
They became more prominent in Return of the Jedi on the forest moon of Endor, where Imperials used them to fortify the defenses of their bunker and Shield Generator. Ultimately an AT-ST would be used as a ruse against the Empire to trick them into opening the Shield Generator bunker doors.
With The Mandalorian set approximately five years after Return of the Jedi, the Empire no longer exists. However, Klaatooinian Raiders have repurposed the abandoned Imperial tech for their own nefarious schemes.
A Hasbro toy version of the AT-ST Raider with Klatooinian was released exclusively at Best Buy in the United States as part of The Vintage Collection before the first episode of The Mandalorian premiered. To date it remains the lone available The Vintage Collection toy from the series.
Episode 4 of The Mandalorian premieres this upcoming Friday, November 29th only on Disney Plus.