Brigette Kingsley stars as an artist forced to take an elementary art teacher job in the Great American Family Christmas movie The Art of Christmas. She’ll find more than a new career when The Art of Christmas first premieres on TV or streaming beginning Saturday, December 11 at 8/7c on GAC Family.
Find out how to watch The Art of Christmas online free without cable either live streaming or on-demand anytime after it premieres on TV with a Philo free trial.
How to Watch The Art of Christmas with Philo
The Philo streaming service includes Great American Family and over 60 other channels in its impressive lineup so you can easily watch The Art of Christmas online. There’s a 7-day free trial period for Philo that will let you fully explore live and on-demand programming available on this fantastic streaming service.
Did you miss The Art of Christmas when it premiered live? Don’t worry if you did as Philo keeps Great American Family movies ready and available to watch whenever you’re ready to watch them. Jump in with your Philo free trial, search for The Art of Christmas by name in the Philo app and start streaming the 2022 holiday movie immediately.
Opt out at the end of the trial or keep the service for a mere $25 a month. There’s no contract commitment during or after the trial; cancel at any time.
About The Art of Christmas
GAC Family describes The Art of Christmas with this short synopsis. “After her latest gallery exhibition literally goes up in flames, struggling artist Liv James accepts a teaching job at a local elementary school to make ends meet.”
Starring in The Art of Christmas are Brigitte Kingsley, Joe Towne, Frank Chiesurin, Kelly Kruger, and Darin Brooks.