LEGO Explains ‘Ninjago’ With Fans’ Flair

The LEGO Group launched a new Ninjago video today that’s certain to quickly become a fan favorite. In fact some fans might ponder if it was concocted by one of their own.

The video is titled LEGO Ninjago Explained and spends about 7:30 cycling through characters while doling out acute observations. Heroes, villains, and humor are abound as the narrator ratchets up ample sarcasm.

You may recognize the voice as the guy from Honest Trailers. Yep, it’s him.

Deep cuts into Ninjago fandom are also present such as referencing Master Wu’s Angels, similar to a scrapped spin-off concept The Hageman Brothers previously shared on social media that would have played out along the lines of Rex’s Angels.

Speaking of The Hageman Brothers, who worked on the pilot through Season 10, they get some shade thrown their way for neglecting Cole.


Ninjago Explained

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