In the new Apple TV+ original documentary series The Super Models, the clock turns back to the 1980s when Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, and Christy Turlington were the fashion icons. The first of four total episodes exploring their unity and mammoth success premieres at or around midnight PT on Wednesday, September 20th 2023.
Find out how to watch The Super Models online free without cable either live or after new episodes premiere via a phone, computer, TV, Amazon Fire Stick, Roku, Apple TV, tablet, PS5, Xbox Series X or other device by taking advantage of an Apple TV+ free trial.
How to Watch The Super Models with an Apple TV+ Free Trial
Apple offers a 7-day free trial for their Apple TV+ streaming service that newcomers can take advantage of. You will be able to use the free trial to not only stream and watch every available The Super Models episode, but other Apple original programs and sporting events as well.
After 7 days you can keep Apple TV+ for only $6.99 or leave just before the trial is up having not spent a single cent.
About The Super Models
The official Apple TV+ description for The Super Models reads as follows. “In the ‘80s, Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, and Christy Turlington became fashion icons—then transcended their industry by uniting. This is the story of how they claimed their power and shaped the world that followed.“
Three additional episodes of The Super Models will premiere on September 27th, October 4th, and October 11th.