I hope you don’t possess a fear of crackling old creepy clowns. Or stop-motion skeletons that may or may not have an extra head. Or the weirdest and most disturbing third leg appendage likely to grace a television screen.
These freakish elements are par for the norm in the American Horror Story: Freak Show opening credits sequence that co-creator Ryan Murphy so graciously shared with world via his Twitter account. Names like Emma Roberts and Kathy Bates flashing by are mere distractions to what’s going in in and around this appropriately freakish carnival tent.
Is that a skeleton bicycle? Why yes, it is, and I bet the seat isn’t all that comfortable.
The American Horror Story: Freak Show opening credits are probably my favorite from all four seasons of AHS. Maybe it’s the stop-motion animation that throws off that Ray Harryhausen vibe. I don’t know. But I like what I’m seeing and anxiously await the main event.
American Horror Story: Freak Show premieres Wednesday, October 10 at 10/9c on FX.