The animated spinoff series Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake has landed to follow alternate universe versions of the flagship series’ main characters on a new zany adventure. The first two of 10 episodes premiere Thursday, August 31st at midnight on the Max streaming platform.
Find out how to watch Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake online free without cable either live streaming or on demand anytime after it premieres by utilizing a Max free trial.
Max Free Trial via Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime members can take advantage of an Max 7-day free trial period to check out the Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake series via Prime Video channels. The newest episodes and prior episodes will all be available to stream.
After the 7-day free trial is up you can decide if you want to keep Max to watch future entertainment offerings, or cancel before the trial expires.
If you don’t have Amazon Prime yet, sign-up for a 30-day Prime free trial or a six-month free trial if you’re a student, then take advantage of the 7-day Max free trial and the series will be at your fingertips or voice by saying “Alexa, play Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake on Max.”
About Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Max’s description for Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake reads as follows. “Alongside former Ice King Simon Petrikov, Fionna and Cake embark on a multiverse-hopping journey of self-discovery while avoiding a powerful new foe.”
New episodes of Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake will premiere on Max for eight additional weeks on Thursdays following the two-episode premiere.