Tag: Spike Jonze

Her Blu-ray Review

Is the possibility of having a romantic relationship with some sort of artificial intelligence all that farfetched? While the concept is still largely the stuff you would find in science-fiction films like A.I. or the recent Johnny Depp dud Transcendence,…  Read More
out of 5

Contest: Win Spike Jonze’s Her on Blu-ray and DVD

 Contest has closed.  Spike Jonze’s Her won the 2014 Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and deservedly so. Thanks to Warner Home Video, three readers will get a chance to see why Her won as Joaquin Phoenix and Amy Adams deliver powerful performances… Read More

Where The Wild Things Are Blu-ray Review

Spike Jonze's theatrical adaptation of the short and snappy children's book Where The Wild Things Are is easy to misunderstand. Though the book was written for kids to enjoy, Jonze's elaborate extension of the story into a feature is crafted…  Read More
out of 5
