Destiny 2 has already been a sore subject for fans of the original game. Many did not want to restart after investing so much time into Destiny. Even so, Destiny 2 was reviewed well, was fun and exciting, and was beautifully made, which we have come to expect from developer Bungie. Now players are able to add the first expansion, Curse of Osiris, and many are just as disappointed as I was. Read on to find out more.
I was hopeful that Curse of Osiris would help with some the issues plaguing Destiny 2. Once a player reaches endgame, after raiding a bit and the usual grind, there hasn’t really been much to do other than the quickly completed weekly quests. After that, many veteran players have been finding other things to do with their time. Sadly, Curse of Osiris is not going to help with this.
The story in Curse of Osiris follows Ikora’s teacher, Osiris, on his journey through time in an attempt to defeat and keep the Vex at bay. Players are tasked with finding him after he disappears from Mercury. Once found, players must help him defeat a Panoptes, a Vex machine that wants to alter time. Throughout Destiny lore we are told what a badass Warlock Guardian Osiris is. He can time walk, clone himself, and is generally feared due to his level of power. Over the course of the campaign in Curse of Osiris, though, this ends up being downplayed and in some boring series of events the game seems to point to the player’s character as the “all powerful” Guardian. Really? Kinda early for that don’t you think? Plus I like having NPCs who are better than me and my teammates. It creates a world where we can still aspire to be like these guardians of lore or at least kinda worship them.
I never felt invested or awed by Curse of Osiris like I was in Destiny or even most of the beginning of Destiny 2. It felt like a chore where your grandpa gives you a quarter afterwards. Yeah it needed to be done, but the rewards sucked. I am not a vain player and don’t really care about skins and other vanity items, honestly. I want better gear, and I think that is what most players want. Instead I ended Curse of Osiris still using most of the same gear I had when I started. The addition of Heroic Strikes are fun, but should of been there at launch honestly.
Everything Bungie seems to make is graphically beautiful, and that continues. Curse of Osiris looks amazing. The issues Destiny suffered at the very beginning with audio and certain voice over work was corrected and they haven’t looked back. This continues, as overall it looks great and sounds just as good as Destiny 2. That’s to be expected. What players also expected was to be heard is our cries of fixing endgame content. After the new level cap of 25, completing the short boring story, and doing a few Raid Lairs, I put my controller down and had no desire to bother with anything else.
Curse of Osiris feels rushed. With just a couple hour campaign, a poorly written story that seems to contradict many of the previous mythos, gear that is either very underwhelming or requires way more time invested than it’s worth, the bad outweighs the good quite a bit. New players who missed the original game and it’s expansions may enjoy it more, but veterans will be generally disappointed in Curse of Osiris. The addition of Heroic Strikes and Raid Lair are the shining star, but are just not enough to save it. Hopefully more content, hopefully free, or patches will be able to improve the current state of Destiny 2. Until then I am going to continue my usual weekly login and that’s all.
Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris is available now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. This review is based on a PS4 copy provided by the publisher for that purpose.