Disney Infinity 2.0 Spider-Man Play Set Review

Disney Interactive and Avalanche Software did the right thing by shifting their entire Disney Infinity IP to the Marvel license for 2.0. In our rather extensive review of the core game and starter pack, we discussed what works with the new set in great detail. I agree with most of the review and am really enjoying my time with the game. It feels 100% Marvel, and the added game modes and Toy Box, which are Disney Infinity trademarks, really shine when given the characters of the Marvel Universe to play with.

The Spider-Man Play Set, sold separately, adds to the fun by giving players Spider-Man, Nova, Iron Fist, Venom (hero version) and Nick Fury as playable characters. Nick Fury as a characters is also in the Starter set but only as a quest giver. In the Spider-Man Play Set he is a playable hero via his toy figure. The Hulk can also be unlocked and played once his 10 tokens are found in the game world.

While the starter set focuses on Loki and the Frost Giants of Jotunheim attacking Manhattan while the Avengers team up to stop him, the Spider-Man Play Set goes in a different direction by introducing the Green Goblin (the smart version taken from the Spider-Man Unlimited TV series) and cloned goopy tentacled symbiotes to give Spidey and his amazing friends a new enemy to battle over and over again. Spidey as a character works decently as he swings between buildings, though what his webbing attaches to is constantly in question, and the set adds a ton of content to a game that nearly overflows with objectives to complete and random things to do.

Disney Infinity 2.0 Spider-Man Play Screen Nova

Graphically, Spidey himself looks good, but the same issues we had with the main set are evident in the Play Set. The lighting effects don’t feel new-gen on PlayStation 4 and the graphics stutter more often than not. Only hardcore players will truly care as the game is still incredibly fun. As much as I love playing as Thor in the starter set, Spidey’s web swings and Nova’s rocket flight are pretty awesome to control. Vehicles are still a pain, especially the unlocked motorcycle, but really, Spidey and Nova don’t need a vehicle to get from point A to point B and they’re wisely the two figures included with the Play Set piece.

The music, voice acting and especially the writing work to create a gaming experience for all ages and all fan levels. This is a comic book story steeped deeply in comic book lore and that by itself is worth the price of admission for comic fans. Coupled with the Starter set and the Guardians of the Galaxy Play Set, the Spider-Man Play Set just adds to the game as a whole, and creates a true Marvel experience.

The Spider-Man Play Set was reviewed on PS4 and furnished by Disney Interactive for the purposes of this review. It is available now and you must already own the Disney Infinity 2.0 Starter Set to play it.

Disney Infinity 2.0 Spider-Man Play Set Review
out of 5

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