If there were to be a primary theme that’s run through Boardwalk Empire since the beginning, it’s power. There are those that have it, those that have lost it, those seeking it, and those that understand everything that power entails. This most recent episode, ‘What Does the Bee Do?,’ is a study of that power and how quickly it can come and go, and what it means for the person that holds that power.
After a brief glimpse of the success the Commodore, along with Jimmy and Eli, are having with importing bootlegged alcohol, we cut right to a scene with him (the Commodore) and Gillian. She’s doing a little nude dance for the Commodore as they discuss bits of their complicated past together. It seems to be a bit too much for the old man who suffers a severe stroke and now is not able to talk but also seems unable to make cohesive thoughts as well.
Upon seeing him in this state, Eli, reasonably, freaks out and thinks their days are numbered now that the man they’ve aligned themselves with is helpless. Eli storms off, but not before giving Jimmy the idea to start selling their overstock of booze to outside cities, namely Philadelphia.
After being only mentioned in passing last episode, Chalky White returns; free from jail and enjoying his family, although the glad tidings are short lived. During a meeting with some of his local Black community, Chalky is reminded that many young Black men, most of them fathers, sons and brothers, died helping Chalky with his illegal alcohol operation and nothing has been done about it. Chalky talks with Nucky about the situation and his people’s need for retribution, but Nucky, rather callously, informs Chalky to be patient and that everything will be taken care of in due time. One thing is certain and that’s that Chalky is tired of waiting.
I know every time he’s featured, I just can’t stop going on about Michael K. Williams’ acting as Chalky, but the man just brings it. Everything I loved about what he brought to his character Omar on The Wire is here, without just simply being Omar all over again. Here’s Chalky, fresh from jail and ready to get things back to normal but in no time he’s been shamed by his people, shamed by Nucky, and during a pretty heavy dinner scene, now feels shamed by his family. Williams has a way of playing the anger and the shame at the same time that is just simply powerful and shows he’s much more than he may get credit for.

Having been reinvigorated after last episode’s dinner altercation, Nucky is back to being a man of action. He makes a deal with Arnold Rothstein to secure passage of booze through Philadelphia. During a birthday party for the Mayor (as well as a return to rampant nudity), Nucky and his lawyer make a realization that could push the case against him to a Federal charge, meaning the DA that owes Nucky a favor won’t be able to so arbitrarily cast him aside.
Nucky also calls on new pal Owen Slattery, who continues to further prove his worth, to build a bomb with which to send a message to the Commodore while at the same time taking out his stockpile of booze.
I much prefer seeing Nucky in this way, a man calling his own shots. The first few episodes of the season had him feeling very “Man without a country,” which, don’t get me wrong, was good for the character and allowed Buscemi to really flex his acting skills. Seeing Nucky this full of confidence, though, is refreshing. I can’t wait to see what happens when he finds out about the Commodore’s current health situation.
Margaret continues to be mysterious. She is still constantly worrying about their money situations. She’s increasingly snippy with the servants, which you’d think her character would be above since she was once there herself.
It’s also revealed that Margaret has got a secret stash of money which on the surface would seem like she’s looking out for the best interests of her family and Nucky, but now that we’re led to believe she may not be who she says she is, it seems more like a back-up plan just in case she needs to make a break for it. I’m quite interested to see how this turns out.
Throughout the episode is a beautiful and heartbreaking scene between Richard Harrow and Angela, Jimmy’s wife. Richard stops by to pick Jimmy up one morning, but he’s already gone due to the Commodore’s health, so Angela invites him inside. After a brief art discussion, Angela convinces Richard to let her draw him.
As the day rolls on, Richard opens up a bit more about his past, and this guy seriously just can’t catch a break. In a true moment of trust, he removes his faceplate, exposing the scarring underneath. Angela doesn’t flinch, and just continues drawing.
These two characters are two of the most beaten down on the show. Angela is constantly belittled and left out in the cold by Jimmy, and I truly don’t think anything has ever gone right for Richard. After this lovely day they’ve both had, Jimmy shows up and gives Angela a kiss, and it’s just another painful reminder to Richard of what he doesn’t have and also what Jimmy doesn’t truly cherish.

Van Alden shows up again this week, but seems to be a bit on the back burner. It’s shown that his underlings are suspicious of him being up to no good, as does his wife after calling an “excessive” amount of times finds out the Nelson is no longer living in his quarters. I feel a surprise trip from Mrs. Van Alden coming, and I don’t think that’s going to sit well with anyone. As for the underlings, their suspicions seem to have put them at the right place but at the very worst time, and could be quite hazardous to their health.
Much as it began, the episode comes to a close with Gillian and the Commodore. She’s feeding him, as he can’t feed himself, and at some point begins recalling their first time “together.” Not only is this unsettling because she was merely 13, but the details she describes make it all the more worse. The memories of that day, although she never shows it, still haunt her to this day and seeing this man, this broken man that took something from her she can never get back, she finally snaps and leaves us with one of the most disturbing and depressing endings this show has seen.
‘What Does the Bee Do?’ is another excellent Boardwalk Empire episode from start to finish. There’s never a bit that feels slow or not thought out. Everything has a purpose and is just equally compelling.
There were some other little asides within the episode that are obviously building to bigger things. The introduction of Manny, played by William Forsythe, was just an amazing character introduction and I’ve got a feeling, after his deal with Jimmy and the state that it now resides in, is going to be back in a big way. We also see Lucky and Eddie still being put in their place by Rothstein, despite their wanting to move up in the world. This struggle between the old and the new is growing and is sure to be a point of contention going in to the rest of the season.
– Matt Hardeman