Most kids who played with Kenner Star Wars toys back in the late 1970s or early-to-mid 1980s remember either seeing or owned the Escape From Death Star board game.
A few months ago at the International Toy Fair, Hasbro formally announced a Retro Collection Star Wars action figure line with the initial wave’s gem; the first-ever 3-3/4″ official Grand Moff Tarkin action figure done in the retro vintage style.
Fittingly this sought after figure is an exclusive pack-in figure with a nostalgic retro reissue of the Escape From Death Star game.
The only place you can buy the just-released Escape From Death Star board game is Target, and as of today it’s currently in stock at for a price of $19.99.
For $20 and change when taking tax into account, and free shipping plus a five percent discount for Red Card holders, you can relive the joy of playing this simple yet fun classic Star Wars game and lineup a Grand Moff Tarkin with your other vintage Star Wars action figures.