Wrong Turn 5 Unrated Blu-ray Trailer is a Gore Fest

Wrong Turn 5 Unrated Blu-ray Trailer is a Gore FestA new unrated Wrong Turn 5 unrated trailer has arrived and it lives up to the “unrated” label. I’m talking gore. Lots and lots of gore.

There’s multiple body parts being removed. Guts being torn out. And even an homage to the “head mowing” scene from Caligula. Yes, Wrong Turn 5 is so wrong, but so right if cheeky gore is what you crave.

Believe it or not there’s actually a plot to Wrong Turn 5 that revolves around the legendary Mountain Man Festival on Halloween. Somewhere in this event some backwoods inbred folks stumble upon some visiting college kids and the “who can score the most ridiculous kill” games being.

Wrong Turn 5 makes its direct-to-video debut on Blu-ray and DVD on October 23.

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