What’s in the Box: Blu-ray Tastes True Blood

My friendly neighborhood FedEx man dropped off the first season of HBO’s True Blood: Season One on Blu-ray Disc today and to say I’m merely excited doesn’t do my state of mind justice.

Since I’ve been anxiously awaiting this set and have yet to see a single minute of the show expect the review to take a little bit of time to piece together. I don’t want to skim through the season for the sake of a few extra hits.

In the meantime, the least I can do is offer up some pics so you see how HBO handled True Blood’s Blu-ray packaging. As you can see below the outer partial sleeve is similar to Band of Brothers while the removable inner accordion book unfurls to display all five discs. That book sits inside a hardcover case plenty sturdy to keep the discs safe.

The final picture below can be enlarged by clicking on it. True Blood: Season One will arrive May 19 on Blu-ray and DVD.

Click here to pre-order True Blood: Season One on Blu-ray for $48.49 from Amazon.com.

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