Watch Breaking Bad Season 6 Episode 13 Online ‘To’hajiilee’

AMC’s Breaking Bad Season 6 (also known as the back half of Season 5) continues tonight with another step closer to the series finale and final resolution for Walter White in the episode ‘To’hajiilee.’ This fifth episode of the final season, and fourth on the countdown clock if you’re keeping count, picks up off the cliffhanger in ‘Rabid Dog’ as Jesse did something he really shouldn’t have. There is no official free live online streaming version of tonight’s Breaking Bad episode 13 to watch online, but live stream options valid once the episode completes airing are presented below. Beware of ‘Rabid Dog’ spoilers from this point forward.

‘Rabid Dog’ concluded with Jesse talks Saul’s car, parking it in the driveway of the White house, and then pouring gasoline all over the house’s interior. We were led to believe that Jesse would set fire to the home but he did not. Instead, Walt arrives home and finds the car, then gasoline doused home, and quickly leaves a message for Jesse thanking him for not completing the cowardly act of arson.

With a gasoline filled house, Walt attempts to have it professionally cleaned to hide the incident from his family. Unfortunately for Walt, that plan doesn’t work as the smell is impossible to get rid of. Walt eventually uses a fake story about a faulty gas station pump, but Walt Jr. doesn’t buy it and instead says Walt fainted again. Walt goes along with that and appears out of the woods, taking his family to a hotel to live for a few days in order for the smell to subside.

Though Saul thinks its time to put Jesse down like a dog, Walt is very much against the idea depsite what happened at his home. Unbeknownst to Walt, Hank has Jesse’s cell phone and Hank plays the voice mail for Jesse that suggest he and Walt meet up at a park. Jesse believes that Walt wants to kill him and calls him “the devil.” Hank now has the upper hand despite a lack of hard evidence against Walt that he can pursue.

Hank admits to Gomez that he’s willing to let Jesse be killed by Walt in order to “get it on tape.” When Jesse goes to meet Walt, he backs off and calls instead upon seeing someone he thought was a hit man. Jesse calls Walt and tells him he’s coming for him. Walt, in return, reluctantly calls Todd to tell him he has another job for him. Wow.

AMC is being very secretive about tonight’s new Breaking Bad episode ‘To’hajiilee’ in offering a description that simply reads, “Things heat up for Walt in unexpected ways.” That can’t be good for Walt, but what would those unexpected ways be? We’ll find out soon enough.

Tonight’s Breaking Bad: Season 6 (or 5, or 5.5) new episode 13 ‘To’hajiilee’ premieres tonight on TV on AMC at 9/8c in high definition (HD). AMC offers free online streaming versions of Breaking Bad episodes several days after they air at the official AMC website for a limited time that can be viewed on a computer, mobile phone, tablet/iPad or any Internet enabled and connected device. It’s the next best thing to watching free and live. You can also choose to purchase standard or high definition versions of each newly aired episode very early the following morning after they air from here exclusively at The cost is $2 to stream standard episodes and $3 for the full high definition versions, with every single past episode of Breaking Bad available to watch as well.

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