Up in the Air Deleted Scene Clip has Clooney as Astronaut

Jason Reitman’s Up in the Air did not fare so well as the Academy Awards last night. That does not take away from its 6 nominations including Best Picture and Actor, or tomorrow’s highly recommended release of the film on Blu-ray Disc and DVD.

Sadly our Blu-ray review copy got caught up in a shipping snafu and arrived late causing the review to not be ready yet. To tide you over, Paramount has shared a clip from a deleted scene on the disc in which Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) goes about his disconnected routine in a spacesuit. The sequence is strange to say the least and cut for good reason, but still intriguing to watch nonetheless.

Check out the deleted scene from Up in the Air below and look for our review to be published later this week.

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