Twilight New Moon Cast and Director Speak Up

Numerous The Twilight Saga: New Moon interviews have made their way onto the Internet over the past few days. Some address burning address burning questions on fans minds, some offer laughs, and others offer ridiculous responses.

I’ll start with Twilight New Moon director Chris Weitz who has been under fan scrutiny for allegedly tinkering with the book’s story. When confronted with the accusation, Chris is forthright with his response: “It’s impossible to be completely faithful to every single page of a book because movies don’t have enough time. So you end up cutting things and combining things. But I would say that we’re definitely using the book as our bible. My take on this film is the film is the book and Stephanie Mayer is my main resource for everything in this. I’m constantly checking with her to see if it’s something a character would do or a detail is right. You can never absolutely please everybody but my main intention is to satisfy the fans of the book.”

Assuming Chris is spot on with his intention to remain faithful to the book, actor Peter Facinelli’s recent quote cracks me up: “[You can expect] more of the unexpected.” The movie is based on a book, Peter. I think most Twilighters know what’s going to happen.

The general consensus among cast and crew is New Moon will overshadow Catherine Hardwicke’s inferior Twilight. Actor Michael Welch chimed in with this: “Well first of all it’s going to look different. It’s going to feel different and frankly I think it’s going to be better. With Twilight we didn’t really know, I mean you could never really know, with New Moon we knew so we all came in with a level of focus and commitment to just pleasing the fans… cause if you can keep the fans happy you’re going to be good.”

Actress Christian Serratos backs up Michael’s claims:, “I think everyone’s going to be very pleased, the film and the books and everything they just evolved it keeps getting better and better. I read the New Moon script already having read the book and I was still like ‘what’s going to happen next.’ It’s the same as the book but imagine the book on acid.” Ashley Green feels the same: “It’s a little bit more darker. It’s just better all around we kind of had this Twilight platform and just stepped up from it so it’s great.”

And because it’s worth repeating, Peter Facinelli thinks the movie based tightly on the book will offer the unexpected. Maybe he found a case of True Blood on the set and indulged himself.

The final quote come from none other than Kristen Stewart who is hot among her fans and apparently Robert Pattinson as well. She doesn’t speak directly to her thoughts about how good the movie will be but does show a sense of humor when asked if she prefers werewolves or vampires: “Kristen shouldn’t open her mouth (Laughs). Kristen is entirely torn. Kristen should stop using her name in the third person.”

Check out the full Chris Weitz interview at MetroNews, the snippets at HollyScoop, and the Kristen Stewart interview also at MetroNews.

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