True Blood Season 5 Footage Bites into Eric, Bill and More

True Blood Season 5 Footage Bites into Eric, Bill and MoreLots of new footage from HBO’s True Blood: Season 5 has bled onto the Internet this week in the form of a trio of new clips from the season premiere and a bloody good trailer.

The first new True Blood clip is set around the dinner table with Arlene, Terry, and Terry’s old war buddy Patrick. Conversation heats up about the house fire from Season 4 and Patrick has a strange expression on his face for an extended period of time before commenting on it. Something is definitely up with the Marine and it likely spells big trouble for Terry and Arlene.

Sookie and Alcide also find themselves at the dinner table in the second clip, only this conversation is about the threat of newly unearthed Russell Edgington and his likely quest to seek revenge against Sookie. Alcide wants Sookie to move in to protect her, and Sookie of course is resistant to the idea.

In the last clip, Bill is talking to someone on the phone while Eric cleans up the mess from their massacre of Nan and her vampire authority thugs in the Season 4 finale. It plays more comical than anything else as Eric is stuck doing the dirty work and does it as only a vampire can.

The new True Blood: Season 5 trailer offers the first lines from Russell Edgington as well as several sneak peeks at his state after being dug up. Here’s a hint: it ain’t pretty.

True Blood: Season 5 premieres in a little over a week on Sunday, June 10 at 9/8c on HBO.

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