True Blood Season 5 Comic-Con Trailer Drops Some Spoilers

True Blood Season 5 Comic-Con Trailer Drops Some SpoilersHBO brought True Blood to Comic-Con on Saturday and along with it a spoiler-filled preview for the second-half of Season 5. If you’re sensitive about spoilers then it’s not a good idea to watch or read what’s ahead. Especially since one of the previous episode’s cliffhangers appears to be answered.

The True Blood Comic-Con trailer starts with Sookie being what looks like rescued by faeries. I’m guessing, but this could occur within the next couple episodes after Russell may (or may not) drink her blood to complete his rejuvenation process.

Some of the meandering stories started to come together in the last episode and it looks like two more will become one. Lafayette and Terry have a similar problem that one powerful exorcism might take care of. I’d be shocked if that freaky table sit-around goes as planned.

Over at Fangtasia, Tara is getting her sexy on and her mother is going to find her there. That should make for a fun confrontation. There also looks to be some sort of brawl that will go down at the vampire bar, and Tara and Pam will be very much involved in it.

Over on the Vampire Authority side, Nora is still in slow burn behind bars while Bill and Eric will return to see Roman again. Whether via Nora or Eric we’ll get to see the ghost/spirit of Godric again, a welcome cameo return for True Blood fans.

The big spoiler is seeing Sam and Luna very much alive in several preview clips. If you recall the last episode, Luna looked to die on her lawn while a gravely wounded Sam looked on. Unless HBO is being tricky and showing Luna from past episodes, she seems to be up and very much about.

What gets the blood flowing in this second-half Season 5 Comic-Con preview is seeing Russell Edgington, back out in public and having a good time while forwarding his agenda. Hopefully showrunner Alan Ball allows Russell to live into Season 6 as he’s the most compelling character to appear on True Blood yet.

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