True Blood Season 4 Premiere’s First Three Minutes Available May 29

HBO has revealed plans to air the first three minutes from the True Blood season four premiere nearly a month early.

The 180-second sneak preview will take place on Sunday, May 29, and be available exclusively through HBO Go. Just last night, HBO used their mobile and web-connected viewing platform to air a new episode of Game of Thrones a full week before it airs on HBO proper next Sunday. If HBO wants to get more subscribers on HBO Go, debuting exclusive early looks at hot properties is the way to go.

Thanks to a snippet of footage from the first three minutes of True Blood season four commercial that you can watch below, we know that the new season will pick up precisely where the last left off. Sookie (Anna Paquin) will arrive in Faerie land after vanishing, and find a familiar face walking amongst her kind.


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