True Blood ‘Burning Down the House’ Trailer Fires Another Round

If last night’s ‘Let’s Get Out of Here’ episode of True Blood is any indication, the remaining three episodes this season are going to be a wild, wacky ride. Glowing dead ghosts, growing domestic squabbles and an assault on Bill King by Antonia made ‘Spellbound’ one of the more eventful episodes of the season thus far.

The tenth episode of True Blood season 4 is called ‘Burning Down the House’ and promises to show what happens when Antonia, in the body of Marne, unleashes spellbound Eric on King Bill. What could become another instance of a character being shot is teased in the trailer (see below), though it seems like every time this happens, vampire blood bails the victim out.

The teaser trailer also shows Sam paying Marcus a visit to exact some revenge for the beating put on Tommy, V-addicted Debbie cozying up to Marcus, Alcide driving off with wounded Tommy, and Andy and Terry at odds. I highly doubt Debbie doesn’t have ulterior motives for making a move on Marcus. She’s either trying to make Alcide jealous or pull the wolves into the vampire fight against the witches.

I’m still of the opinion that Lafayette and Jesus are the key to taking down Marne. Jesus has already proven he knows how to remove an unwanted spirit from a person’s body. It’ll obviously be harder with Antonia, but not impossible.

Check out the teaser trailer for True Blood episode 46 ‘Burning Down the House’ below. Catch the full episode on HBO this upcoming Sunday, August 28 at 9pm EST/PST.

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