Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Dinobots Origin Revealed

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Dinobots Origin RevealedNext to the Combaticons and Bruticus, the Dinobots in High Moon Studios and Activision’s upcoming game Transformers: Fall of Cybertron are the biggest draw. They may not combine together into a mega-Transformer, but their individuality and near indestructible alt-forms are a force to be reckoned with.

Activision is sharing a new Transformers: Fall of Cybertron behind-the-scenes video in which High Moon Studios game director Matt “Tieg” Tieger talk about how they were able to include the Dinobots into their story. Everything from this point forward should be considered a spoiler. You have been warned.

Tieger wanted the Dinobots in the game simply because they were his favorite Transformers and he wasn’t going to settle for their absence. In order to convince the powers that be at Hasbro to let the prehistoric Transformers into Fall of Cybertron, he and his team had to come up with a way to make their alt-forms make sense within their Cybertron-bound story.

High Moon looked at existing canon and fan-created Dinobot origin stories for inspiration, but none of them made sense within their story. To get the Dinobots in, they came up with an idea where Shockwave creates a space bridge to other worlds in seeking out life and stumbles upon prehistoric earth. Fascinated with the massive dinosaurs, he concocts an idea to capture a group of Autobots, sacrifice some of their intelligence for brawn in turning them into the Dinobots, and then using them for his own bidding.

As Tieger reminds us as the video ends, “Nobody controls Grimlock.”

Fall of Cybertron comes to Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on August 28.

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