Transformers 2 Buried Under Ice Age 3 on Wednesday

Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs stepped all over Michael Bay’s Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in early estimates for Wednesday’s box office results.

Returns for Ice Age 3 on its opening day yielded $14 million across 3,993 traditional and 3D-equipped theaters on Wednesday putting it ahead of Megan Fox, Shia LaBeouf and the Transformers in the race for the July 4th weekend box office crown.

Transformers 2 earned a “mere” $10 million in its eighth day of release bringing its domestic box office total to around $240 million. At its current pace, Transformers 2 is likely to surpass Disney and Pixar’s Up on July 3 to become the highest grossing movie of the year thus far.

The other Wednesday newcomer, Public Enemies with Johnny Depp and Christian Bale, pulled in at or above $8 million for a solid mid-week opening.

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