The Walking Dead will move away from the prison in episode 303 ‘Walk With Me’ this Sunday, and pay a visit to the town of Woodbury where a new group of characters will be introduced.
Last week’s episode, ‘Sick,’ spent its entire runtime at the prison where Rick channeled Shane in dispatching of some recently discovered inmates. There’s a strong possibility that ‘Walk With Me’ will focus entirely on Andrea (Laurie Holden), Michonne (Danai Gurira), and the town of Woodbury where they will be taken. Showrunner, writer and producer Glen Mazzara already told us that at least one episode this year will not have Rick (Andrew Lincoln) in it, and now is as good a time as any for that to happen.
The big news this Sunday will be the return of flesh-and-blood Merle Dixon (Michael Rooker) and the introduction of The Governor (David Morrissey), the man running Woodbury who figures to become a major thorn in Rick’s side as the season progresses. The ‘Walk With Me’ sneak preview clip showed us that Merle will be responsible for capturing Andrea and Michonne and bringing them to Woodbury. What happens in Woodbury is hinted at in the pictures below.
It looks as if the Governor will take a liking to Andrea, clean her up, then wine and dine her. The last bit of intimacy Andrea experienced was an adrenaline-fueled romp in a car with Shane after she got her first taste of zombie killing. The Governor is everything Shane is not; charming, sensible, caring. At least on the surface. Michonne picks up on the danger of Woodbury before Andrea does.
Below are a series of high resolution stills from The Walking Dead: Season 3 episode 303 ‘Walk With Me.’ Click any of them to view the full version.
‘Walk With Me’ debuts this Sunday at 9/8c on AMC.