The Walking Dead Season 3 First Footage Features Michonne

The Walking Dead Season 3 First Footage Features MichonneTonight’s new installment of The Talking Dead to kick off a marathon of The Walking Dead episodes premiered the first footage from Season 3.

In the clip below, we get to see new character Michonne (Danai Gurira) dispatch of some zombies while retreiving aspirin in a small store. She uses her signature katana to easily relieve the zombies of their heads and subsequently the brain required to make them tick.

The Walking Dead will have a big presence at Comic-Con later this week with more footage in the form of the first trailer expected to be revealed. Cross your fingers that the trailer makes its way online in the very near future. Otherwise, we’ll have to rely on text descriptions of the footage.

AMC will air the premiere episode of The Walking Dead: Season 3 this October. Check out the Comic-Con banner featuring Rick, Michonne and The Governor.

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