An advertisement in the latest issue of Home Media Retailing magazine reveals the cover art and confirms interactive features for Universal Studios Home Entertainment’s The Incredible Hulk on Blu-ray Disc.
The ad promotes BD-Live connectivity with My Chat that allows a viewer to watch and chat with another person via BD-Live in real-time while simultaneously watching The Incredible Hulk. Exclusive downloadable content may also become available but is unknown at this time.
The packaging is described as “collectible 3-D” and can be seen below in all its “green” glory. This will be the first instance of a publisher not using the “blue” Blu-ray logo across the top.
We also noticed the ad promotes a never-before-seen alternate opening and a 1 hour 53 minute run time. The theatrical version ran 114 minutes which is virtually identical. We still don’t know if the rumored> extensive director’s cut with an additiional 70 minutes will be included.
Though not confirmed by Universal at this time, the expected release date for The Incredible Hulk on Blu-ray per retailers is October 21 with an SRP of $39.99. We’ll be back with more Hulk info in the near future.
A dedicated thread was created to discuss The Incredible Hulk on Blu-ray in the HDR Forums. You can join the discussion right here.