Online retailer has pulled out their price-trimming scissors again, shaving a few more dollars off The Godfather – The Coppola Restoration Blu-ray Disc set.
When Amazon first listed the highly sought after set a few months ago, the price was just under $100, or roughly 33% off the $124.99 list price which is standard for Amazon pricing.
Slowly but surely Amazon has trimmed a dollar here and a dollar there off the pre-order price approaching the set’s September 23 release.
The latest, and our guess is last price cut brings the total for all three remastered Godfather films on Blu-ray down to a mere $61.95, or 50% off the original list price. That’s an offer you can’t refuse.
Click here to pre-order The Godfather – The Coppola Restoration Set on Blu-ray for $61.95 from