The Dark Knight Rises Has Been Screened for Warner Execs

The Dark Knight Rises Has Been Screened for Warner ExecsAll has been unusually quite on The Dark Knight Rises front this year as the summer’s early blockbuster releases are getting all the publicity attention. When something new comes along regarding Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film, we jump on it.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Christopher Nolan has been a fixture on the Warner Bros. lot over the past several days. He’s obviously been hard at work pulling together The Dark Knight Rises for its summer release, but he also had another reason for hanging around.

On Friday, Nolan reportedly screened The Dark Knight Rises for Warner Bros. top executives including, but not limited to, film boss Jeff Robinov and production president Greg Silverman. At minimum a rough cut of the film exists, at least enough to show Warner Bros. what to expect.

We’re still four months away from The Dark Knight Rises July 20 release date, leaving plenty of time for Nolan to fine tune the film and work in any suggestions the powers that be at Warner Bros. might have. We all want The Dark Knight Rises to be as good as it can be, and hopefully this is a sign that there won’t be any rushing to get the film out the door.

Ideally some news regarding impressions from the screening would have been a welcome surprise. It looks like we might have to wait a bit longer for that tease.

The Dark Knight Rises stars Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Morgan Freeman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard.

Source: THR

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