The Avengers Assemble on Twitter for Super Bowl Ad Tease and Trivia

The Avengers Assemble on Twitter for Super Bowl Ad Tease and TriviaMarvel is taking to Twitter for their The Avengers promotional outreach, and the prize for participating is one not to be missed.

This upcoming Tuesday, January 31 between 11 am and 11:30 am PST (2 pm and 2:30pm EST), The Avengers cast members Tom Hiddleston and Clark Gregg, along with writer/director Joss Whedon, will be setting up shop on Twitter to field your questions. All you have to do to participate is direct a question in their direction using the @Avengers handle or the #Avengers hashtag.

During the live q/a, trivia questions will be doled out with The Avengers related prize packs on the line. What those prize packs might include is unknown.

Once the live q/a wraps up, those who participated are promised a 10-second sneak peek at the 30-second The Avengers Super Bowl spot. In one sentence that’s confirmation that The Avengers will assemble during the Super Bowl, and we get to see one-third of it in less than four days.

I don’t know how Marvel plans to share The Avengers Super Bowl teaser to only the people who participated in the Twitter event. I suspect a link to the teaser will be posted on Twitter, and circulate the entire Internet – including here – shortly thereafter.

The Avengers starring Chris Hemsworth, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hiddleston and Clark Gregg explodes into cinemas on May 4.

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