The American Takes Labor Day Box Office With $16.4 Million

George Clooney and The American finished the extended Labor Day holiday weekend with an estimated $16.4 million at the box office. It’s cumulative gross since opening last Wednesday stands at $19.5 million.

Second place when to Robert Rodriguez’ Machete which hacked and slashed its way to $14 million in its first four days. That was just enough to top the $13.5 million Takers managed in its second weekend at theaters.

Going the Distance with Drew Barrymore and Justin Long, the third newcomer this past weekend, stumbled to $8.6 million from Friday through Monday. Expect this dud to fast track its way to Blu-ray Disc and DVD by early December.

Check back later today for the Friday through Sunday weekend box actual results and winner results from the latest round of our Weekend Box Office Prophet Game. The next round featuring Resident Evil: Afterlife in 3D will kick off on Tuesday.

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