The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer Attacks NYC and Batters Peter Parker

The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer Attacks NYC and Peter ParkerThe latest The Amazing Spider-Man trailer swung onto the web today and will join The Dark Knight Rises trailer in debuting theatrically attached to Marvel’s The Avengers. That’s a lot of superhero punch that tens of thousands of moviegoers will get to experience and soak up on the big screen this weekend.

For director Marc Webb’s most revealing and fast-paced Spider-Man trailer yet, a heavy emphasis has been placed on Peter Parker’s (Andrew Garfield) quest to answer the question that has haunted him his entire life. What is the truth about his parents? The question for us is how this truth – whether good or bad – will play into the greater story.

We know from this trailer that Parker’s father was an employee of Oscorp and was working on genetic research involving, at the very least, a silvery spider resembling the logo that Spider-Man wears on his outfit. This link calls into question the origin of Parker’s Spidey powers that allow him to hang from ceilings and run up walls. Was it an accident as depicted in the comics and Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man film? Or was Peter destined to inherit his superpower abilities?

Regardless of how Peter gets his tingly Spider Sense, he will rely on technology to fire webs from his wrists. That’s a big departure from the Raimi’s Spider-Man films that used organic web shooters. When Andrew Garfield fires webs, his little homemade devices will light up bright red for a split second.

Peter ends up taking blame for creating The Lizard (Rhys Ifans) and humbly accepts full responsibility for stopping the beast before he/it tears New York City to shreds. It could very well be that it was Peter’s parents who were responsible for starting the research that turned Dr. Connors into The Lizard and Peter finished it off. I’d like to think there are some less obvious connections going on that we will discover alongside Spider-Man as the film plays out.

Speaking of The Lizard, this new The Amazing Spider-Man trailer offers up our best glimpse at the green menace yet. He’s pretty big and will be seen, at least during one sequence, wearing his signature white lab coat. He’ll also be involved in what looks to be multiple tussles with the Webslinger and will unleash a biological attack on New York City as well as a freakish bright blue beam of light into the night sky.

Joining Andrew Garfield and Rhys Ifans in The Amazing Spider-Man are Emma Stone, Dennis Leary, Martin Sheen and Sally Field. The Amazing Spider-Man trailer is ready to be watched below, and the full film will be ready to take over theaters beginning June 3.

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