The Arrow: Season 2 premiere ended with a big reveal that played directly into the episode’s title ‘City of Heroes.’ It featured Roy Harper saving a girl from being mugged by a group of thugs, only to be confronted with a potentially deadly scenario when the thugs pulled out weapons on him. Out of the shadows came a leather clad, blond haired female superhero who put a smack down on the thugs and then vanished into the shadows.
This character is no stranger to fans of DC Comics. She’s known as Black Canary and played in the show by Caity Lotz. You’ll be seeing a lot more of this mysterious vigilante in the coming weeks and months, and she will definitely be sharing some screen time with the man formerly known as The Hood.
Actor Stephen Amell (Oliver McQueen/Arrow) must be pumped up about Black Canary joining the cast as he has used his Twitter account to share an image of Arrow and Black Canary after what appears to be a brawl against some unfriendly types. Will these two partner up, or will a friendly competition arise? We have almost an entire season left worth of episodes to find out.
The next episode of Arrow premieres this Wednesday at 8/7c on The CW.

Source: Twitter