Lucasfilm continues to drop tiny bite size morsels of information and imagery about Star Wars: Rebels, the animated spinoff prequel set between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. The latest tease comes in the form of a poster and serves as a segue into tomorrow’s big New York Comic-Con panel where more secrets are expected to be unveiled.
The poster resembles Russian propaganda artwork and features three Imperial Stormtroopers with a message written in the Star Wars Aurebesh language above them. I have no idea what the poster says but suspect it has something to do with enlisting in the Imperial Army.
Lucasfilm thus far has been pushing familiar Imperial imagery that connects Star Wars: Rebels to the original trilogy. I wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow’s Comic-Con panel offers a better look at these Stormtroopers, their Tie Fighter rides, and the Imperial Star Destroyer seen in a Disney XD promo spot.
Star Wars: Rebels will premiere as a one-hour special on Disney XD next fall, followed by hopefully a full season’s worth of episodes.

Source: EW