Star Wars Original Trilogy Blu-ray Price Lowered at Amazon lowered the pre-order price of LucasFilm’s upcoming Star Wars: The Original Trilogy Blu-ray set and early bird shoppers have reacted by gobbling it up at a pace faster than Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray.

The new sales price for Star Wars: The Original Trilogy on Blu-ray is $39.99, 43% less than the $69.99 list price. It was previously priced a couple dollars under $50.

Thanks to the lower price, Star Wars: The Original Trilogy on Blu-ray now sits in the top spot on Amazon’s hourly bestsellers chart for Blu-ray. Star Wars: The Complete Saga sits in the second spot.

In the tenth spot is Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy on Blu-ray, which also saw its price lowered to $39.99. Run some quick math and it becomes apparent that pre-ordering the two individual Trilogy sets is $10 cheaper than the bigger six-film set priced at $89.99. The only difference between the two buying strategies is two covers to look at on the shelf instead of one.

All three Star Wars Blu-ray sets will be released on September 16, 2011. I hope to share a special sneak preview of the set before then.

Click here to pre-order Star Wars: The Original Trilogy on Blu-ray for $39.99 at Amazon.

Click here to pre-order Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy on Blu-ray for $39.99 at Amazon.

Click here to pre-order Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray for $89.99 at Amazon.

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