Star Trek The Video Game Beams Up a Behind-the-Scenes Featurette

Star Trek The Video Game Beams Up a Behind-the-Scenes FeaturetteStar Trek The Video Game is finally nearing its April 23, 2013 release date after what seems like an eternity since I saw a demo at E3 2011. It’s hard to imagine the game has been in development for three years now. Yet it has, and the fruits of that labor are apparent.

This morning Paramount released the first in a planned series of “making of” videos that go behind-the-scenes on Star Trek The Video Game to closer examine what makes the cooperative game tick, the first of which is available to watch below. It’s that cooperation between Kirk and Spock, as modeled after Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto from the J.J. Abrams Star Trek films, that will either make or break the game. I’m feeling cautiously optimistic that this particular film-to-game adaptation will be worth your effort and hard earned cash.

Pre-order Star Trek The Video Game for PS3 or Xbox 360 at and earn free shipping and the “Elite Officer Pack” for doing so.

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