SEGA Rally Revo coming to next-gen systems

SEGA’s latest Road to E3 announcement possibly debunks rumors of an immediate “Full Auto” sequel but there’s still plenty of time to announce that. Next year, SEGA’s newly-formed SEGA Driving Studio will wrap work on “SEGA Rally Revo” for Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and the PC. It’s good to see Nintendo’s now trashed next-gen console name appear again, even if in abbreviated form.

“SEGA Rally Revo” will offer a new type of track deformation technology that should keep drivers on their toes when surfaces such as gravel-littered tracks, smooth tarmac roads and snow-covered mountain passes are affected by both tire contact and precipitation. These dymanic conditions should vary lap time as no two laps should be the same.

Other features will include NPC drivers that adapt to the track conditions, single and multi-player modes, realistic physics and online play.

If “SEGA Rally Revo” is shown at E3 in any capacity, we’ll be back right here with our first impressions.

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