Whatever ill will sprouted between Samuel L. Jackson and Marvel Studios in January has been laid to rest. Jackson will indeed don the eye patch as Nick Fury in Iron Man 2.
Whatever gap existed between Jackson and Marvel in regards to the actor’s worth is now a distant memory. Not only is Jackson confirmed for Iron Man 2, he also could potentially appear in up to 9 total Marvel Studios films per an option in his new contract. Those films could include Thor, Captain America, The Avengers, The Shield, Iron Man 3 and any other sequels.
Still up in the air is the fate of Iron Man 2’s villain roles. Mickey Rourke and Sam Rockwell had been made offers by Marvel which were reportedly lowballed and rejected. With principle photography set to roll in April, a decision will need to be made soon.
Iron Man 2 will fly into theaters in summer 2010. The extent of Nick Fury’s role is unknown, but it’s good to know he will make some sort of appearance and figures heavily as a constant in Marvel’s film future.