Ricky Gervais Becomes David Brent for YouTube Channel Launch

Ricky Gervais Becomes David Brent for YouTube Channel LaunchRicky Gervais has resurrected his original character David Brent from BBC’s The Office, though not necessarily how we all might have envisioned him returning.

On Friday, Gervais launched a new original YouTube channel that is dedicated to original programming and other aspects of his career such as behind-the-scenes interviews from The Muppets… Again!. It’s the new roughly 10-minute clip of Brent for a Comedy Relief Special that has audiences talking and will help drive traffic to the channel.

“I am very excited to be working with a platform that is so instant and accessible,” said Gervais about his YouTube channel. “And to catch up with David Brent is going to be fantastic.”

It’s interesting to see Gervais return to a character he hasn’t acted – apart from a brief cameo on the North American version of The Office – in ten years. It’s as if he never left with the same facial expressions, mannerisms and line delivery perfectly intact.

How many David Brent-centric clips are in the works remains a mystery, as does any possible run-ins with his former office mates from the short-lived BBC series. With Gervais calling all the shots without any network or suits interference, anything seems within the realm of possibility.

Watch the Ricky Gervais as David Brent Comedy Relief Special video below.

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