Retro’s New Wii U Game Announcement is Coming Soon

Retro's New Wii U Game Announcement is Coming SoonThis year’s E3 for Nintendo is all about the software, and one of the new games on display could very well be the first Wii U entry from developer Retro Studios. If it is, the question then becomes, which game?

The Official Nintendo Magazine recently spoke with Nintendo’s Hiro Yamada about the Retro Studios Wii U game and got an encouraging response. “I wonder what kind of game it is?,” he answered. “I hope to introduce it to you in the not so distant future.”

To refresh your memory, Retro Studios is behind the Metroid Prime Trilogy, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and even had a hand in Mario Kart 7. Their resume is incredibly impressive no matter which way you spin it.

Nintendo already confirmed via a recent Nintendo Direct that Mario Kart for Wii U will be unveiled at E3 in playable form in early June. I highly doubt that’s the new Retro title, a game that has been in development for at least two years.

I’ll speculate that the top three choices are a new IP, a return to Metroid, or jumping to Star Fox and a franchise that has been worked on by multiple developers. A full Star Fox game hasn’t been seen on a console since GameCube, with only a micro-game popping up on Wii. Star Fox would be my top pick.

Source: ONM

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