Resistance 2 PS3 Box Art Revealed

Sony Computer Entertainment has released the final cover art for Resistance 2, exclusive to Playstation 3.

First up is the regular edition box art which looks, well, familiar. Imagery depicting an enormous Chimera ship above the Golden Gate Bridge has been heavily used in promotions for the game already so there won’t be any mistaking this cover for the sequel and not the original.

The collector’s edition set is more refined with faded imagery in the background and a bold Resistance 2 logo in your face. We like this one a lot better, especially since it includes the following.

  • Resistance 2 video game and Bonus DVD with Behind the Scenes video, video commentary by Insomniac Games, and “Twisted History” chronology video.
  • Exclusive in-game HVAP Wraith multiplayer skin
  • Sneak peek at the upcoming Resistance novel, “Resistance: The Gathering Storm”
  • Exclusive 5.5″ Chimera Hybrid action figure with Bullseye weapon
  • Double-sided Resistance art book covering a war-torn America from two unique perspectives.

Both versions of Resistance 2 are expected in stores on November 4 with an invite-only just around the corner. Sign us up!

Click here to pre-order either Resistance 2 version at

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