Red Dawn Remake Upsetting China

MGM’s remake of Red Dawn is causing quite a stir over in China now that they’ve caught wind of their country invading the United States in the film.

This past week the Global Times, based out of Beijing with a circulation of roughly 1.5 million, ran editorials titled ‘U.S. reshoots Cold War movie to demonize China’ and ‘American movie plants hostile seeds against China’ after pages from the script leaked online. Apparently China had not been keeping up with entertainment news as they were identified as the aggressors against the United States in the Red Dawn remake last year.

One of the editorials read, “Despite the world’s focus on U.S.-China relations in the strategic and economic dialogue and their increasing economic connections, China can still feel U.S. distrust and fear, especially among its people. Americans’ suspicions about China are the best ground for the hawks to disseminate fear and doubt, which is the biggest concern with the movie Red Dawn.”

Not helping Chinese sentiment are fan-made posters floating around that read “Rebuilding Your Reputation” on top of a cracked U.S. map. Oddly director Dan Bradley’s film is only 5 months out from release and not a single official poster or teaser has been released.

Chinese disapproval with the portrayal of their country and Russia in film is nothing new. Apparently the Chinese-edited version of Iron Man 2 had all references to Whiplash hailing from Russia removed. If that caused a rukus then the odds of Red Dawn ever touching a Chinese cinema screen are less than none.

Source: ABC

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