Paramount Blu-ray Plans Unwrapped

We’ve been hounding Paramount for word on when to expect the studio’s first Blu-ray Disc titles only to be rewarded with “be patient” in return. Then just yesterday we were told “maybe later this week.” As it turns out, later this week is today.

The Hollywood Reporter has gotten the exclusive scoop on Paramount’s foray back into the Blu-ray Disc business which confirms our suspicions about *which* titles would be included, but crushes our estimates on *when* they would first arrive.

The first wave of Paramount Blu-ray Disc titles will arrive on May 20, a mere three weeks from now. Our best guesstimates placed Paramount’s Blu-ray debut in June or July at the earliest.

Comprising the first wave will be Face/Off Collector’s Edition and Next, both released last year on HD DVD, along with Dreamworks’ Bee Movie, planned for HD DVD in March but scrapped when Toshiba pulled the plug on the format following Warner’s decision to go Blu-ray exclusive.

Two additional planned but never released HD DVD titles, Cloverfield and There Will Be Blood, will roll onto Blu-ray June 3.

The first day-and-date with DVD release will be The Spiderwick Chronicles on Blu-ray, arriving June 24.

Paramount Pictures worldwide home entertainment president Kelley Avery commented, “We will have a strong slate of titles for Blu-ray release throughout the year, worldwide, and are enthusiastic about expanding the format’s offerings for a broad consumer audience while delivering an experience that goes beyond what viewers love about DVD.”

We’ll be adding all the upcoming Paramount Blu-ray titles to our Blu-ray On Tap database, and are already working on securing high resolution cover art for the first wave of titles. Stay tuned!

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